Welcome To Political Science Department

'National Voters' Day On 25th January, 2022'

'National Voters' Day On 25th January, 2022'
History of Department
- The Department of Political Science was established in 1994.
- The Department also runs a Post Graduate Centre since 2016-17.
- One faculty members have been awarded Ph. D. One
- Minor Research project have been completed.
- To Strengthen society through value education
- To make students good and cultured citizens.
- To built spirit of National Integration among students.
- To inculcate the spirit of Equality, Fraternity and Brotherhood among the students
- To develop Social Interaction of the students
- To develop Effective Citizenship
- To make the students understand the importance of Ethics
- To make the students understand the importance of Environment and Sustainability
Best Practices
- Conceptual & Informative Projects By Students :
- Group Discussion on Current Issues.
- Film Show with Discussion.
- Experimental Learning (Visit to Political institutions).
- Educational Visit to Gram Sabha
- Educational Visit to district court
- Informative Project done by students
- The department has enrolled students from different states with diverse culture such as Tripura, Assam and Manipur.
- Organized Students Speech Program on Mahatma Gandhi?s Though.
- Completed Village Survey On Dongargaon (Mulshi Tahsil) on 7th Oct 2019.
- Organized Voters Awareness Program on 9th2019 collaboration with Pimpri chinchawad Corporation.
- G students participated in elocution competition organized by SPPU.
- Our P.G. & U.G. students participated in one day workshop on Content development was organized by Department Of English, Baburaoji Gholap College Sangvi on 11th December 2019 .
- Organized Lecture On Article No.370 by Mr. Vinod Ranpise.