Welcome to Department of Physics
'Two days workshop for UV, FTIR,NMR and XRD analysis for UG and PG students (9th march and 11th March 2023)'
'Health Chekup campaign for College Teaching and Nonteaching Staff 10.2.23'
History of Department
Department of Physics of Baburaoji Gholap College Sangvi, is established in the academic year 1989-1990. The B.Sc. (Physics) special program started in 1991. Post graduate program M.Sc. (Physics) commenced in 2006. Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune recognized research centre in Physics is established in 2014. Total 3 guides in our Department of Physics ,Dr.Vijay Ghadage,Prof.Dr.Satish Ekar and Dr.Yogesh Khollam working in diiferent field of Physics Such as Biomedical Physics,BioPhysics,Nanotechnology, Nanosciences etc.Since its inception the department has grown in multidimensional modes. It has witnessed a tremendous infrastructural growth over the years. The student strength and performance was always at its best. Department is one of the favorite of many foreign students for a decade. Several of its Indian and foreign alumni are in contact with department for various reasons. Almost all the past students have been placed at good positions in the last decade. Post graduate Physics specialization in Medical Physics and Biomedical Instrumentation is the only program in the Savitribai Phule Pune University,Pune of its kind. It has given unique Identity to the Department. The department was headed by late Dr S.D. Aghav upto 2016. He was succeeded by Prin. Dr. Pandit Shelke , Prin. Dr. Sharmila Choudhari and Prof.Dr.Satish Ekar.Since 2023 Dr.Vijay Ghadage is the head of the department. It is one of the most vibrant place in the college since its establishment. The faculties of the department stride their best from the beginning for the development of college in the academic and administrative aspects. All the faculties from the department play a vital role in the process of assessment and accreditation of college. Also several important committees in the college are being chaired by the faculties.
- To emphasize the role of Physics in human community.
- To impart knowledge and motivate students to understand Physics and its applications in day to day life.
- To inculcate research abilities and awareness in postgraduate students.
Best Practices
- Periodic organization of health checkup camps for students and staff members of the college.
- Every year the department undertakes the village energy survey under NSS activity.
- Students are encouraged to participate in national and international seminar/ workshops/ conferences.
- Recommendations to UG and PG students for internship and projects in other national and international research centers.
- Preapere the students for placement in various company.
- CBCS pattern for first year B.Sc. and post graduate program.
- DBT-STAR activities are being conducted for undergraduate students.
- Only post graduate center in SPPU having Medical Physics and Biomedical Instrumentation as specialization.
- Savitribai Phule Pune University recognized Research centrein Physics with material science as a specialization.
- ICT based teaching and learning practices are being implemented in UG and PG programs.
WhatsApp group for all classes of UG and PG for sharing of information and effective
- Every year the department conducts a short term course in photography for the interested students.
- Organization of lecture series in the advanced areas of Physics by expert teachers.
- Organization of study tours to the national and international institutions industries and scientific exhibitions for experiential learning.
- To conduct the workshop such as UV, FTIR,NMR and XRD analysis for UG and PG students
Student Achivements
To encourage the students for Post Doctoral degree at Bhabha atomic Research Centre (BARC) Mumbai. |
Science Exhibition organized by Department of Physics. |
To conduct the workshop such as UV, FTIR,NMR and XRD analysis for UG and PG students for update the knowledge of students in Reseach. |
NGPE -2020 examination conducted in Department of Physics |
Health Check Up camp organized at Department of Physics |
M.Sc. Physics visited medical equipment exhibition at S.P. College, Pune |
Energy Survey done by T.Y.B.Sc (Physics) students at Ovhale Tal. Maval during the NSS (National Service Camp). |
Visit of 12th Science Students to SIF on the occasion of Celebration of Birthday of Hon Sharadchandraji Pawar Saheb |
Study Tour to the Science day Celebration on every year of 28th February Visit to IUCAA and Savitribai Phule Pune University,Pune. |